The Timeless Appeal of Nintendo Games

광고 Nintendo, meaning ‘Leave Luck to Heaven’ in Japanese, was founded in 1889 as a playing card company. For a long time, Nintendo was a simple, Kyoto based, toy manufacturer with the majority of its revenue generated from playing cards. As soon as the video game craze hit Japan, Nintendo jumped on the bandwagon and their first video game was produced in 1978. Since its founding days, Nintendo has been part and parcel of entertainment for young and old, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to leave our homes any time soon. There are many reasons why Nintendo has collected millions of die-hard fans and why it has always been, and continues to be, so incredibly popular Wengtoto.

Nintendo has always lead the way

The video gaming industry, much like many other industries, generally adopts copycat-like philosophies. As soon as one game producer introduces a new idea, most other companies often jump onto the bandwagon. But not Nintendo; this video game developer generally does its own thing. And having been willing to shake things up and take risks Nintendo has come up with revolutionary new ways to play games.

Game play and players all the way

For many years, Nintendo has put game play and game players firmly in the top priority spot, treating game achievements as a means to advance and extend game play rather than using points as a reward for playing. The fact that Nintendo’s focus has been on game play, however, has also resulted in the fact that the cinematics and storyline of their games have generally been on the ‘light’ side. One annoyance that gamers have experienced is that the consoles have been region-locked, causing problems for players importing games from other countries.

Local multi-player versus online gaming

While the bulk of the gaming industry started focusing on online gaming to accommodate the demand for this type of gaming, Nintendo focused primarily on the Wii, which features local multi-player experiences. This concept has been expanded on with the Wii U, exploring the options of asymmetric local multi-player through Wiimotes and GamePad Tablets.

Other gaming developers realized that Nintendo was on the right track when it developed the Wii and especially the Wii Sports, enabling people to play games together with their friends and family which proved to be tremendously popular, offering a great alternative to the violent games that are common in other gaming.